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【馬來西亞 | 馬六甲酒店】中伏!馬六甲最差住宿 Riverfront Sentral Hotel 黑房+曱甴+大量昆蟲 床單竟然有污漬? 說好的城市景呢?【有圖有真相】

【The following photos taken in the hotel may cause disturbing emotions】

這次到吉隆坡旅遊,特意安排了前往馬六甲的行程,遊覽這個被列入「世界遺產名錄」的歷史名城。由吉隆坡到馬六甲的交通,主要依賴旅遊巴,班次大約半小時至1小時一班,車程約為兩小時。想這兩小時的車程坐得較為舒適,就要乘坐「KKKL Express」的巴士,因為座椅幾乎可以讓整個人平躺,可以把握時間休息。但往返班次集中在上午,而且座位較少,供應緊張,很早就沒有回程的座位,因此我們就轉變計劃,在馬六甲留宿一晚,第二天早上再搭乘七點半的巴士回到吉隆坡。

【吉隆坡馬六甲交通】KKKL Express - 吉隆坡馬六甲一天遊首選(近平躺座椅,舒適車廂)

這間River Sentral Hotel位於馬六甲巴士總站(Melaka Central)約五分鐘的步程,位處馬六甲河邊,和馬六甲市中心有一段距離,出入都要再乘車方可到市中心。選擇這間酒店的原因是為了方便在第二天早上乘坐巴士回到吉隆坡。

River Sentral Hotel 美源酒店一共有四層,地下,一樓至三樓皆為客房,天台則設有餐廳及酒吧,在下午2時起可供辦理checkin手續。

我們在Hotels.com上訂購了「1 張標準雙人床或 2 張單人床」的房間,在說明更指明「客房面積 96 平方呎 (9 平方米),可欣賞城市景」,價錢方面約300港元,看似十分實惠,但實際卻是「貨不對辦」!以下是五個不用選擇的理由:

1. 可欣賞城市景?實際只是密不透風的黑房!


2. 進了昆蟲館?曱甴,昆蟲一地也是!



3. 沒有打掃?廁所馬桶污跡處處!


4. 沒有錢換床單?原子筆簽名,污跡滿佈


5. 基本設施質素差勁!Wifi,熱水微弱 隔音甚差!

在衛生情況差勁的情況下,連基本的設施也十分差劣!酒店提供的免費wifi十分慢,連低質素的YouTube video(360p)也不能播放。


以上五個原因,足以令我們對這酒店作出負評。或許您會在Hotels.com上見到部分的好評,但相信也只是打手的評價吧!如果要在馬六甲投宿,絕對要提防,切記不要選擇這家Riverfront Sentral Boutique Hotel(河濱中心精品酒店)!選擇了真的會後悔!

Riverfront Sentral Boutique Hotel - Worst Hotel Experience in Melaka! 

There are several criteria for choosing a hotel to stay, convenience, tidiness, and price are common dimensions for evaluating the possible options. A clean, tidy room is the basic requirement for a hotel, but our experience in Riverfront Sentral Boutique Hotel of Melaka, is really bad, which could be concluded as the worst hotel we have ever seen! 

Riverfront Sentral Boutique Hotel is located near Melaka Sentral, the bus terminal for coaches connecting Kuala Lumpur and Melaka. We pick this hotel to stay simply because we cannot book a return bus on the same day. Therefore we need a close location to get to the bus terminal early in the morning. 

This hotel is just 5 minute walk from Melaka Sentral Terminal, which is very convenient for us to catch the bus back to Kuala Lumpur at 07:30am. The hotel lobby is not a big one, but still looked okay to stay. After staying for a night, we can share 5 reasons not to pick this hotel or you will regret about it: 

1. Rooms without windows! Contradicts with the description on hotels.com 

We have placed the booking on Hotels.com which explicitly stated that the rooms are with windows. However, we are advised that most rooms are without windows, including the room which we are arranged. 

2. Cockroaches, insects, lizard are found in the room! 

When we open the room door, cockroaches come out on the floor. We just think it is only a coincidence at first so we simply kill it and start to settle down. We discover there are more cockroaches coming out, one even climbed on our bed during the night. 

When we move the cupboard to find the invoice for deposit refund  (50RM for each stay) we dropped on the floor, several big cockroaches, and many moving insects are discovered! It is super disgusting! 

3. Stain and dirt in toilet! 

The toilet seat is not cleaned and with much stain on it. Some used shampoo still remained in the bath tub, which means the room is not thoroughly cleaned after last checkout! The hair dryer provided in the toilet are very dirty with much dust on it. You won't feel comfortable to use such a hair dryer!

4. Dirt and stain on the bed sheet

Most importantly, we discovered the bed sheet are very dirty with stain on it. The quilt cover is with pen's signature, which is totally unacceptable.

5. Weak Wi-Fi, Weak Water Supply, and Noisy Room

Not only the cleanliness of the room is bad, the facilities provided in the room are bad as well. The Wi-Fi connection is unstable that even a low quality video at 360p cannot be loaded at all times. The ventilation in the room is so bad that bad smell remains in the room. The hot water supply in the bath tub is weak and we found the 1/3 of the shower is blocked. There is a restaurant / bar at the rooftop, however, the insulation is poor that we can hear the sound of lift and the music from the bar throughout the night! 

This hotel is the worst hotel we ever seen. Even it is near the bus terminal, and there is some good reviews in hotels.com, but please take consideration of our experience, and consider to avoid this hotel when you travel in Melaka!

河濱中心精品酒店 (Riverfront Sentral Boutique Hotel)

評分(Rating):😠😠😠😠😠極為差劣 (Extremely Bad) 
地址(Address):馬來西亞馬六甲 Plaza Melaka Sentral, 75400

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